This plugin adds jquery validation to your contact form 7. You will be able to validate extra validation rules like: url, date, credit card, phone number in the contact form 7 fields.

Benefits you get from this plugins.

* Adds Jquery Validation to Contact Form Fields.
* More faster validation than of contact form core validation.
* Allows field to be validated for url, date, credit card, number and more.
* Field Highlight features for invalid field data types.
* Error message for individual fields.
* Easy to to add validation rules. Just add class in contact form 7 fields.
* Interactive validation that your users love.
* Works with multiple forms now.

Validation Methods available.
* Required
* Email
* Url
* Date
* Number
* Digit only
* Credit Card
* US Phone number
* IBAN (Internation Bank Account Number)
* Letters Only

Lite Version Demo

Additional Validation Methods available in PRO version.
* Custom Code Validation (Multiple and One time use supported.)
* Custom RegEx Validation – Define your own validation rules with js RegEx.
* Email Verification – Verify email before form submission.
* Alpha Numeric – Letters, numbers, and underscores only
* Bank or Giro account number.
* BIC Code – Accepts Valid BIC Code Only.
* Giro Account – Accepts Giro Account number only.
* Integer – Accepts positive or negative non-decimal number.
* IPv4 / IPv6 – Accepts IPv4/IPv6 IP address only.
* Mobile UK – Accepts UK Mobile number only.
* Phone UK – Accepts UK phone number only.
* US State – Accpets US state only.
* Minimum Number – Makes the element require a given minimum.
* Maximum Number – Makes the element require a given maximum.
* Minimum Length – Makes the element require a given minimum length.
* Maximum Length – Makes the element require a given maximum length.
* Range Length – Makes the element require a given value range.
* Range – Makes the element require a given value range.
* Equal To – Requires the element to be the same as another one
* Extension – Makes the element require a certain file extension
* Require Group – Ensures a given number of fields in a group are complete.

Additional Features in Pro version.
* 4 different validation error theme to choose from.
* Change validation error message.

Pro Version Demo

For Support Please Visit

Don’t forget to check the instructions in the setting page of the plugin.

Plugin distributed under GPL-2.0+ with unique License Key.